28.09.2012 - 17:09:36 <anon> vedin koko 70-luvun amfetamiinia, mutta se oli Mietoa. t: Juha
28.09.2012 - 17:52:23 <anon> fb;dr
28.09.2012 - 17:58:13 <anon> iphone homot
28.09.2012 - 18:03:17 <anon> vedin koko 70-luvun käteen mutta itse asiassa vain takaapäin
28.09.2012 - 18:16:26 <anon> second rule is that you must use at least 4'' diameter butt plug in regular basis
28.09.2012 - 18:30:56 <anon> Sensuroinnin alta paljastuu nimi "Jarmo Kekäläinen"
28.09.2012 - 19:02:15 <anon> only russians and americans buy ip5...in russia it doesn't matter if the maps suck, there ain't decent roads anyway. And americans are just plain stupid.
28.09.2012 - 19:51:23 <anon> the second rule of the iPhone 5 club is you must shove your Iphone 5 up your ass on a regular basis
28.09.2012 - 20:20:12 <anon> fuck iphone
28.09.2012 - 21:29:07 <anon> first rule of apple club is to tell your parents "I am gay"
28.09.2012 - 21:45:04 <anon> those who follows the flow gets the whole; identity no more
29.09.2012 - 01:58:12 <anon> YEA TELL THEM HOW MUCH IT SUCKS GET A SAMSUNG
29.09.2012 - 09:11:17 <anon> 28.09.2012 - 19:02:15 <-- So true. :D
30.09.2012 - 01:34:45 <anon> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9TdhN4ptW4&feature=BFa&list=HL1348957500
01.10.2012 - 17:34:08 <anon> Oijoi ku köyhiä vituttaa ku ei oo varaa iphoneen. Mikä tekee muka iphonen käyttäjästä homon? Sekö, kun on rahaa ku roskaa?
02.10.2012 - 21:59:06 <anon> omppuhomo